By researching companies beforehand, effectively letting out your nerves, and showing appreciation to recruiters, the career fair can be much more manageable
For 7-year-old Maple Fudge Of 12 Oak and her leadswoman, Ashley Brandel, an invite to the Supreme Champion selection is nothing new, but it is just as rewarding
The World Forage Analysis Superbowl welcomed 343 entries in its 38th year. Announced at the winner’s luncheon on Wednesday were the top prizes for the best forages in the country
Two years may have passed since the last National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, but things picked up similarly to where they left off in 2019 at the conclusion of this year’s competition
At the end of the 100th National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest on Monday, it was Cornell University that came out on top, claiming the two highest individual spots to seal their victory
This morning and afternoon 13 collegiate dairy judging teams and more than 50 students are evaluating cattle and preparing their reasons in hopes of being named a national champion
Every farm must wait until conditions are right for harvesting the next crop, but when you see neighbors and friends roll out their choppers and combines, it is difficult to be patient